Case Studies

We bring AI and data products to life with exceptional user experiences.


300+ Applications

1B+ Data Nodes

12 Different Verticals


AI in Healthcare

We revolutionized the user experience and interface of Evidium, a cutting-edge app driven by artificial intelligence and a knowledge graph, specifically designed to assist physicians in accurately diagnosing patients.

Mortgage Lead Finder

We delivered a lead generation app from concept to design and development in under 60 days to help bring the COO's vision to life.

Fintech for GenZ

Our team of technical and product experts, designers and illustrators, worked with Allio to make tech decisions, document use cases, and create a unique illustrated vision for the next investment app targeted at GenZ.

SaaS Payments Platform

Our team partnered with Paymints on end-to-end product strategy, design, and development of a multi-tenant white label SaaS platform that put them on the map as the leader in preventing fraud in real estate transactions.